Privacy Polices

We are aware of our responsibility to protect your personal information and we take this matter very seriously. We believe that your personal information is one of our most important resources. Therefore, we store and process your personal information through secure servers located in the City of London, The United Kingdom of Britain is protected by high-tech hardware and software

We do not trade your personal information in any way, selling or renting to any third party without obtaining your explicit consent

1. Registration - personal account

The registration process includes (your personal information) that you provide to us to complete your transactions and also to contact you. You must accept the principle of using and updating your personal information in order to deal with the registration process and to control the confidentiality of your identity during the follow-up process to deliver the purchase order and pay electronically

The information that you provide during the registration process is protected data in accordance with the terms of the privacy protection described previously. Your personal information forms part of your record of your dealings with our services. If you use our website, you will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your personal account and password, in addition to preventing access to your personal device / computer, and you thus bear responsibility for all operations that are performed through your personal account using your password.

Coffee Moments Company is not responsible for any loss or damage that may arise due to your failure to protect your password or any other information related to your personal account.

2. Emails

With your consent to use the website and our electronic services, you thus agree to receive our electronic messages in all their forms through e-mail, periodicals, notices and alerts advertised on the website.

We have the right to monitor, record and save any e-mail or any other form of electronic communication with you for the purpose of improving and developing the quality of service provided to our customers.

3. Cart

We reserve the complete right to limit the number of items selected per person or per order in the shopping cart.

4. Details of products, inventory and prices

In our endeavor to provide accurate and comprehensive information about our products (such as product availability, prices, product specifications, pictograms, technical characteristics) and to provide comprehensive information on services, We may encounter some typos.

The maximum accuracy limits are observed in displaying the colors of the products on the website. But what you see from the colors shown on the site depends mainly on the settings of your screen, and this falls outside the scope of our jurisdiction, as we cannot definitively confirm the approved color settings on your screen.

Some errors may occur during the process of providing the product or service and providing detailed information about prices on the website. The website cannot provide you with individual product prices or know the total cost of the product or service until you complete your online order. In the event that the invoice was requested and issued for a product or service and the price was incorrect or the information was incorrect due to an error in recording the correct price or product or service information, the website has the right in this case to either contact you to clarify this error and how to deal with it or cancel your order Notice of this cancellation. In the event that your application is accepted and followed up electronically, The total cost will be calculated and deducted from your credit card account, and we will inform you by e-mail that the payment process is proceeding correctly.

Availability of products as well as prices are subject to change without prior notice.

5. Shipping, delivery and collection

Delivery to our shown address is free of charge for all orders. Click to edit translation

We look forward to serving you in a manner that meets your aspirations in providing this service, So we hope to provide us with clear address to ensure fast delivery. The address must include the building or office number or the warehouse number in addition to the street name, city and postal code. The phone number and the name of the person concerned must be written down according to the attached form. Before submitting your application, You must check product specifications very carefully and agree to abide by the terms of sale shown in the shopping cart.

6. Payments

The website offers the ability to purchase products or services through the site and pay the required amount via the Internet. All cash transfers and payments must be in Saudi Riyals

Our payment system includes several methods:

We accept credit card payments (mada, Visa or MasterCard only) through the online portal of our banking service provider.

We accept payment by bank transfer.

In the case of online payment, the customer will receive a notification on the screen as soon as the payment is accepted. We are not responsible if the payment process is rejected or canceled by the credit card service provider for any reason. You must check with the bank providing the credit card service about the reason for the rejection.

We do not store your credit card information on the website. All information and details that you enter through the electronic payment gateway are encrypted for the purpose of security protection, The correspondence sent to and from the service provider’s website is also encrypted.

We do not provide any of the payment information made through the site to other companies or individual entities unless it is requested by an official, legal entity. This information is processed by our payment officer.

You must ensure that the information related to your credit card that you use to pay for electronic services is correct, valid and accurate, You must legally use the credit card attached to you. Your personal information will not be used or shared by electronic services with any third party, with the exception of verifying the legitimacy of the information and not falsifying it or when requested by the law or legal systems or at the request of the court. The website service (online) will not be responsible in any way for credit card fraud. You will be held responsible for the use of fraudulent credit cards and you will be fully responsible for proving otherwise.

In the event that we are not able to provide the request or part of it, we will inform you directly in this regard. All or part of the amount paid by the credit card you used to pay the order amount will be returned.

Your use of the online payment service for our website is an implicit consent to your commitment to these terms. If you do not agree to any of the terms of these terms, please do not use this service.

7. Order Cancellation

We reserve the right to cancel the order for any of the following reasons

Decline / not accept the payment process.

– If the delivery address given by the customer is wrong, or the contact information is wrong, or the customer is not able to reach.

8. Returns, exchanges and refunds

In the event that you are not satisfied with the product or if there is a defect in the product, Within (14) days of receiving the product, you can request a refund / product to return the product to the Coffee Moments Company.

In the event that the product is returned due to a defect in the product, a defect from the company, or due to the incorrect / wrong product delivery, There will be no additional charges for the shipping service. Click to edit translation In the event of returning for other reasons, (The customer needs to replace the product, or the customer’s desire has changed in general). Shipping fees will be charged on the customer.

When preparing to return your product, The product must be in its original condition. We do not accept the return of products containing damaged due to misuse. We have the right not to accept the return of products that do not meet the above criteria.

9. Warranty

The products sold by us are insured with valid validity.

10. Amendment to the privacy policy

Coffee Moments Company has the absolute right at any time to amend the privacy policy of the website. A notification or advance warning will be sent, You can access the latest version of the privacy policy. Click to edit translation If you continue to use this service, you implicitly agree to be bound by the amended terms of the privacy policy.